Review of Karin Mairitsch: Helmi Vent – Lab Inter Arts
Helmi Vent – Lab Inter Arts. Einblicke in das Performance-Labor ‹Hätte Hätte Fahrradkette›
A Review by Silvia Henke
Posted in JAR (Journal for Artistic Research): Book review, Dec 27th, 2020; ISSN 2235-0225
Silvia Henke: Review of Karin Mairitsch, Helmi Vent – Lab Inter Arts. Insights into the Performance Lab “Hätte Hätte Fahrradkette”
Aesthetic Research, Artistic Research, Aesthetic Practice, Art, Art as Merry Science,
Art and Knowledge, Performance Art, Interdisciplinarity
Chapters of the Review:
- A book as a vehicle for artistic research: About Helmi Vent and the Lab Inter Arts
- The sense of artistic research as aesthetic practice
- ‘Mementos’ of the work in the Lab Inter Arts