2009 Between Schranne and Mirabell
Concept and Project Direction
Helmi Vent
Project Partners
Salzburg University and University Mozarteum: Focus "Science & Art"
Liesa Baumgartner, Franziska Berger, Verena Eidenberger, Elisabeth Hillinger, Judith Hirsch, Lina Höhne, Barbara Keller, Christoph Kendlbacher, Agnes Kern, Burkhard Körner, Katrin Pernull, Isabel Rösner, Korbinian Schmidt, Julia Schwarzbach, Katharina Spiß
Project Locations
Streets, yards, squares, gardens, buildings between Schrannengasse and Mirabellplatz, Salzburg downtown
Premiere of the Film Documentary
07 August 2009
in Kumasi (Ghana) in the context of the KUMASI SYMPOSIUM: "Tapping Local Ressources for sustainable Education through Art". Department of General Art Studies, College of Arts and Social Sciences
Outdoor laboratory works in the neighbourhood of Mirabellplatz in Salzburg. April 2008 – October 2009
LIA – Lab Inter Arts and interested parties from the Salzburg environment
About the Project
"Off-Stages" between Schranne and Mirabell
The practical part of this interdisciplinary project comprises exercises in perception relating to scenes of everyday life to be found between Salzburg's inner-city buildings (e.g. the New Mozarteum), streets (Schrannengasse and Paris-Lodron-Straße) and squares (Schrannengasse parking lot and Mirabellplatz). The object is to crystallize the essence of the atmospheres of the encountered scenes of unstaged everyday life, with their sound-filled spaces, types of speech, moving images, etc., to pick up on the aesthetic of their milieus and forms of action, and – depending on the artistic languages of the participants – to transpose it into reinterpretations and new interpretations in performed scenes.
The theoretical part of the project deals with concepts relating to the theme "stage". The "scaena" defines a formidable variety of "view-points" regarding what may, should and can happen on the traditionally defined stage locations of aestheticized and socialized voices and bodies. With the help of programmatic writings and theater studies texts, the course participants will investigate the question of what the stage stands for in the contemporary arts.