1989 "Where are you, Adam?"
Project Direction, Concept and Staging
Helmi Vent
Annette Bertram, Reinhold Brunner, Ari Glage, Christine Hauser, Astrid Hungerbühler, Katharina Jankula, Susanne Jankula, Frajo Köhle, Beate Krec, Cora Krötz, Eva Lackner, Ulrike Nix, Regula Schleuss, Eva Tremel, Polo Vallejo, Eva Wagner, Irmela Wiemann
Playback Music
Friedrich Smetana's symphonic poem "Die Moldau" (excerpts)
Arrangement Concept: Helmi Vent
Sound Mixing and Editing: Reinhard Hanel, Hermann Urabl
Großes Studio of the University Mozarteum Salzburg
05 and 07 April 1989
Guest Performance
28 May 1989, University of Music Enschede (Netherlands):
"Where Are You, Adam?" (Short version)
A performance contribution to the environmental debate
DanceMusicLaboratory, University Mozarteum Salzburg
Salzburg (Austria) and Enschede (Netherlands) 1989
About the Piece
Astrid Hungerbühler, Frajo Köhle
The skeleton of a withered tree on the front edge of the stage... center stage Red Riding Hood with her basket; in the background the soothing/disquieting initial tones of Smetana’s symphonic poem Die Moldau. A graffiti marks the beginning of the 90-minute sound/body theater performance and at the same time poses the central question of the whole piece: "Where would we be if everyone said where would we be, and nobody went to see where we would be?" (after Kurt Marti)
"Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Körper. Tanztheater von Helmi Vent im Mozarteum Salzburg"
[In Search of the Lost Body. Dance Theater by Helmi Vent at the Mozarteum Salzburg] by Eva Bannmüller
tanzdrama magazin, no. 8, 1989, third quarter, p. 12
"Das arme Schneewittchen steht heutzutage im Regen. 'Wo bist du, Adam?' im Großen Studio des Mozarteums"
[Poor Snow White is Left Out in the Rain Today. ‘Where Are You, Adam?’ at the Large Studio of the Mozarteum]
by Reinhard Kriechbaum
Salzburger Nachrichten, 07 April 1989
"Wo bist Du, Adam?"
["Where are you, Adam?"]
A film documentary (short version) on the music- and dance performance of the same name with the DanceMusicLaboratory, University Mozarteum Salzburg
Concept, Staging, Performer, Location, Performances, Guest Performance: see above (Project Info)
Camera: Franz Herzog, Thomas Ebner
Editing and Production: Helmi Vent, Salzburg 1989
ReEdition 2006
Revised Edition: Helmi Vent and Katharina Jankula
Video ReMastering: Hanz Eder
Audio ReMastering: Martin Gerhard Hantich
Production: Helmi Vent – University Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria) © 2006